What is KinderGeld?
A very unique German system is KinderGeld (Child's money). This is an allowance from the German government to help parents in raising children. It is transferred into a German bank account.
Good news for you is that Indians are also entitled to it, if they have children.
Kindergeld (Child allowance) is paid monthly in the following amounts:
From year 2010 to 2014
for the first child: 184 €
for the second child: 184 €
for the third child: 190 €
for each additional child 215 €
From 2015
for the first child : 188 €
for the second child : 188 €
for the third child : 194 €
for each additional child : € 219
From 2016:
for the first child: € 190
for the second child: € 190
for the third child 196 €
for each additional child 221 €
Official details are given at following link in English:
How to Apply?
Anmeldung - of all family members. It proves that family is living in Germany.
Birth Certificate : translations of them if they are not in English / German. If child is born in Germany, a birth certificate is issued separately to apply for Kindergeld, which should be attached in original.
Your passport
Haushaltbescheinigung (KG3a) (This has to be certified as per procedure below)
Fill in following Forms:
Haushaltbescheinigung (KG3a) (This has to be certified as per procedure below)
Take the Haushaltbescheinigung, and your passport to your local KVR/Rathaus (The place where did you registration/anmeldung)
Officer will verify the form and aks to pay the applicable fee. You will be issued stamped Haushaltbescheinigung.
Put in the envelope:
Stamped Haushaltbescheinigung
Antrag auf Kindergeld (filled in)
Birth certificate
Residence permit copy
Post it to the office of familienkasse belonging to the city you live in ! The addresses are given below link
You will now get your Kindergeld in 3-4 weeks. Keep the letters from Finanzamt safely, because these are required in future.
What if kindergeld is rejected ?
Sometimes based on interpretation of law by Kindergeld officers, their might be rejections. In such cases, preserve the rejection letters. You can send appeal to Kindergeld office with appropriate response to get Kidergeld.
Still, if you don't get this, the rejection letters can be used in the tax filing to prove that you did not get Kindergeld and hence you can get this money back by filing tax return. Without rejection letters, it is not possible to get this money.
While leaving Germany?
Once your employment ends or you or your children leave Germany, you must notify the agency that pays you Kindergeld to stop the payments. This can be done by phone or email also. Find the email id from letter you received from Kindergeld office.
Kindergeld 'Notice of change' including cancellation form (Veränderungsmitteilung (KG45)) is given below.

Kindergeld Cancellation Form - Kindergeld Cancellation Form