Germany has very good infrastructure for transport. It means you don't need buy a car to roam around the city or inter-city.
Germany Maps
Stadtplandiest is a good source of map, but it is in German
English sites:
Then each city transport company also has detailed maps on their website to help you plan your journey.
Local transportation : Bus / Tram / Train
German transport system consists of buses and trains (S-Bahn & U-Bahn).
S-Bahn train
U-Bahn Train
There are options to buy monthly, weekly tickets which are very economical. There are also option to buy annual ticket. The buses, trains run on time. At every bus or train stop, you can find the timetables and route map, so that you can take buses conveniently. You can buy tickets using ticket vending machine as well. These machines are available at most of the train stations (S-Bahn & U-Bahn).
A ticket vending machine in Munich
Check that you are buying ticket which is valid for your entire journey. Tickets are purchased based on you zones you are crossing. refer to website of transport company.
Always travel with valid ticket
If you have stripe tickets (Streifenkarten, or stripe tickets), then ensure to validate it before journey
Local Transportation: Taxi:
Germany has taxi system as well, but this is very expensive. So use it judiciously. For taxi fare in Munich click here
Intra-city Transportation
There are very good transport provided by Deutsche Bahn
Driving in Germany
There are CD's as cheap as 10.- EUR in the supermarkets like Media Markt, Conrad for years. Click here
At the moment all exams are done on computer so CD training is the best way.
These CDs include various questions for all driving license classes and trainable mode/statistical data and they also have real exam mode (as though you were in the exam).
Also, there are a lot of free online sites like
Local transportation